Had a serious disagreement with a friend on Facebook who couldn’t understand or accept their role in starting a fight on my page with one of my relatives.
My friend started the fight. His first engagement with my cousin consisted of a couple of insults. This led to a back-and-forth between them and then blew up because my friend was insulted.
Initially I stayed out of it because I figured two grown men could and would work it out, but it didn’t go that way because my friend’s feelings were hurt…twice.
The first time by my cousin and the second time by my verbally kicking his ass by pointing out how he created the problem and stating I refused to defend his being a jerk. It was unnecessary and dumb.
That is the abridged version, sadly the whole story is longer and more complex than that, but sometimes that is life.
What it reminded me again was how much I like the quote above and I how I choose to live my life in a certain way and that not everyone agrees with it.
But the actions I take and the choices I make are mine. I own them. Not all are perfect and there is a long list of dumb moves I can measure against the smart and the in between.
The net result of it all is I am willing to live with the consequences of my actions. And as I have said multiple times, consequences doesn’t have to have be a pejorative.
If the consequences of exercise are getting into better shape and feeling better well that is good. If the consequences of buying a winning lottery ticket result in being able to retire early and live your dreams, well that is good too.
A Long List Of Recent Posts I Wrote Elsewhere
- You’re Lucky Your Father Is Alive
- Some Friendships Are Timeless & Some…Aren’t
- A Good Writer Goes To War
- Remember When Twitter Was Useful
- Sometimes It’s Not About You
- 69 Life Lessons From Building A Blog
- There Is No Bedtime For Bloggers
- The Tales Of A Blogger Who Never Made It Big
- What Will The Force Awaken?
- It’s Not About Who We Used To Be
- The Secret Blogger’s Guide To Buying Cars
- Building A Better Blog… Maybe
- There Is No Cure For Blogging
- Just Hit It Harder
- How Some Star Wars Fans Kill The Movies
- The Memory Collector
- Drunk on Blogging Or Intoxicated With Writing
- It’s Not My Fault She’s Crazy & Hysterical
- Your Blog Could Cure Insomnia
- Don’t Fear The Teenage Driver
- I Hope That You’ll Be Happy
- Sometimes You Have To Stop & Live
- Go Blog About Yourself
- Water Won’t Wash It Away
- Will Your Soul Sing Your Story?
- They Lost Their Virginity While Blogging
- The Beauty Of Sunday Rituals
- The Ghost In Your Blog
- Tailgating U Is A Better Way To Do & Be
- Our Patron Saint- Our Lady of Getting Lucky