No, not all millenials are whiners who complain about older generations saying we are not interested in hearing how hard they have it.
Some of us just ignore it because we have been there and done it. We graduated from college with debt, during a recession and were told we were unemployable because we didn’t have any experience.
We muddled and mucked our way through it all and some of us made it big and then lost it during the giant fuck up that took place during our ‘moment in the sun.
It was worse than graduating with no experience because this time around we had families and responsibilities. This time around the lack of employment meant we lost our houses, cars and all sorts of respect we thought we had built up.
So it is not that we lack empathy, but we are tired of hearing how hard it is as single people because we have been there and done it and it sounds easy compared to the shit storm we were thrown into.
And we get tired of the finger pointing and blame because it is useless. We get tired of the stupidity of being told about privilege or meaningless words like mansplaining that are just new ways of people trying to tell us they are entitled to speak but we aren’t.
Mostly we are just tired of the ranting and just want to do what it takes to try and take care of our families and ourselves without spending time moaning about how it all could be better or worse.
And the best part is no matter what you say or how your say it you know people will come tell you that you are the best/worst thing that ever happened and they are so happy/sad/angry you wrote what you did.
It is why you have to grow a thick skin and not give a fuck whether people support or denigrate you, you just have to do what you need to do and know that you’ll be kicked and licked.
‘Cuz people are peachy.
Keep fighting, if you push hard and work hard things take a positive turn. Ask Mr. Rogers.